Register of Parish of St. James, Clarkenwell, 1551 - 1700, Volume 1, Part 1
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Register of Parish of St. James, Clarkenwell, 1551 - 1700, Volume 1, Part 1
508 zapisa
True Register of All Christeninges, Mariages, And Burialles in the Parishe of St. James, Clarkenwell, From the Yeare of Our Lorde God 1551 (1884). v. 1. Christenings, 1551 to 1700.--v. 2. 1701 to 1754.--v.3.<br><br> Marriages, 1551 to 1754.--v. 4. Burials, 1551 to 1665.--v. 5. 1666 to 1719.--v. 6. 1720 to 1754
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