Pioneers of the Upper Ottawa and The Humors of the Valley, South Hull and Aylmer Edition
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Pioneers of the Upper Ottawa and The Humors of the Valley, South Hull and Aylmer Edition
370 zapisa
Pioneers of the Upper Ottawa and The Humors of the Valley, South Hull and Aylmer Edition. Anson A. Gard.<br>A companion piece to his previous book, The Hub and the Spokes, this is another of the light hearted information books written by American author Anson Gard.<br><br> Maintaining his "Mark Twainish" humorous style he continues to describe his semi-fictitious adventures under the aliases of "Rube" and his companion "The Colonel," but this time in the setting of the northern bank of the great Ottawa river in the companion cities of South Hull and Aylmer, including their surroundings. Both books are available on one CD, product number CA0196, titled, Anson Gard&apos;s "Ottawa Valley".<br> Altogether this book comprises of 332 numbered pages and an additional 30 unnumbered illustration pages.<br> <BR>The Archive CD Books Project exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to cooperate with local libraries, museums and record offices in providing money to renovate old books in their collection, and to donate books to their collections, where they will be preserved for future generations.
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