North Carolina, Mecklenburg County Marriage Index, 1884-2019
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Traži u North Carolina, Mecklenburg County Marriage Index, 1884-2019
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North Carolina, Mecklenburg County Marriage Index, 1884-2019
548.944 zapisa
This collection is an index of marriage records from Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The records may contain the following searchable information: first name, middle name, and last name of the bride and groom, and the marriage date of the couple. Records may also contain the marriage license number and the date of the application. Mecklenburg County is the largest county in North Carolina by population, and its county seat is Charlotte.<br><br>Most records in this collection are from the 20th century or later, with just three percent from before the year 1900. However, there is a select amount of records dated from before 1884, with approximately one percent of the collection falling under this category.
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