Ohio Deaths
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Ohio Deaths
3.700.441 zapisa
This collection contains death records from Ohio, United States between the years 1904 to 1908, 1913 to 1944, and 1954 to 1970. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date and place of death, and certificate number.<br><br>Death certificates represent one of the key primary sources for family information, typically being issued within days of a death and having many details about the life of a person.
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Roger Philip BresnahanDied: Dec 4 1944 - Lucas, Ohio, United States
Roger Philip Bresnahan was a Hall of Fame Major League Baseball player. Bresnahan played in the MLB from 1897-1915 and was part of the 1905 World Series-winning team, the New York Giants. Bresnahan popularized the use of protective equipment in baseball by introducing shin guards, to be worn by catchers, in 1907. He also developed the first batting helmet.