1835 Denmark Census (Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein)
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1835 Denmark Census (Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein)
291.798 zapisa
The 1835 census of Denmark encompasses just the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, and was taken on 1 February 1835. Information recorded in the census includes: name, residence, age, marital status, and either position in family or occupation. The census forms are in German.<br><br>Research tip: Individuals often had multiple given names. However, in the census you may find individuals only listed with one of their given names—usually the one the individual most often went by—or even listed by their nickname. If at first an individual cannot be found under a particular given name, try searching for the individual under one of their other given names, or by all of them together. Also, until the early 20<sup>th</sup> century, women were usually listed with their maiden name. <br><br>This collection is provided in partnership with the Danish National Archives (<i>Rigsarkivet</i>).