Bassettov "Popis za Limerick, Clare, Tipperary i Kerry", Irska 1880. - 1881.
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Traži u Bassettov "Popis za Limerick, Clare, Tipperary i Kerry", Irska 1880. - 1881.
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Bassettov "Popis za Limerick, Clare, Tipperary i Kerry", Irska 1880. - 1881.
12.158 zapisa
Ova zbirka je jedan od nekoliko imenika trgovina za Limerick, Clare, Tipperary i Kerry ikada objavljenih. Ima 495 stranica i navodi 12,158 stanovnika. Informacija dana u ovim zapisima može sadržavati: ime, zanimanje, datum i mjesto izdavanja i sliku stranice kataloga.<br><br>The Limerick City and County Directory begins with a digest of the public bodies and institutions railways, religious, benevolent, literary and mercantile in the Borough of the City of Limerick. This includes list of all public officials such as magistrates, members of the corporation of the City and all other public officials who recorded ward-by-ward, which constitutes the first forty pages of the Directory. This is immediately followed by an alphabetical list of the principal merchants, traders and gentlemen in the City of Limerick and its surrounding areas and this together with the classified trades and professions directory, alphabetically arranged makes up just over a third of the Directory as a whole. The County Section of the Directory for Limerick records the principal gentlemen, clergy and traders for thirteen of Limerick's principal towns, namely Abbeyfeale, Adare, Askeaton, Bruff, Castleconnell, Croom, Elton/Hospital, Foynes, Glinn, Kilfinane, Kilmallock, Newcastle & Neighbourhood, Rathkeale and Neighbourhood and Patrick's Well & Neighbourhood.
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