University of California, Blue and Gold (Berkeley, California), 1922
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Traži u University of California, Blue and Gold (Berkeley, California), 1922
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University of California, Blue and Gold (Berkeley, California), 1922
740 zapisa
Blue And Gold (1874). Some years have also volume numbering<br><br>There were two 1925 volumes (v. 51 and v. 52)<br><br>Vol. for 1907 (v. 33) never published (destroyed while at printers by S.F.<br><br> fire), vol. for 1974 also not published<br><br>Published by the Junior Class, 1874-, by the Iota Chapter of the Zeta Psi Fraternity , by the Junior Class of the University of California -1923/1924, by the Associated Students of the University of California, 1924/1925-
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