Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 2 (1792)
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Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 2 (1792)
540 zapisa
Collections (1792). Vols. 1-70 comprise 1-7th series (10 vols. in each series). Beginning with v. 71 the series numbering is discontinued<br><br>Second series, v. 5-6 paged continuously<br><br>"All<br><br> the volumes of the first and second series and v. 1 of the third have been reprinted."<br><br>For the statement above quoted, also for full bibliographical information regarding this publication, and for the contents of the volumes [1st ser.] v. 1- 7th series, v. 5, cf. Griffin, Bibl. of Amer. hist. society. 2d edition, 1907, p. 346-360<br><br>Vol. 10 of each series contains general table of contents and index for the series
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