Barber Genealogy, Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Connecticut 1614-1909, Descandants of John Barber of Worcester, Massachusetts 1714-1909 (1909)
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Traži u Barber Genealogy, Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Connecticut 1614-1909, Descandants of John Barber of Worcester, Massachusetts 1714-1909 (1909)
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Barber Genealogy, Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Connecticut 1614-1909, Descandants of John Barber of Worcester, Massachusetts 1714-1909 (1909)
908 zapisa
Barber Genealogy (in Two Sections) Section I. Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Connecticut 1614-1909. Section Ii. Descandants of John Barber of Worcester, Massachusetts 1714-1909 (1909).<br><br>