New South Wales Police Gazette 1867
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Traži u New South Wales Police Gazette 1867
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New South Wales Police Gazette 1867
420 zapisa
New South Wales Police Gazette 1867. 1867. Police Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia.<br><br> Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes therefore contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else. <p>They include court lists, lists of warrants issued, appointments and changes in the Police Service, lists of Justices of the Peace, lists of arrests and discharges (which include descriptions), escaped prisoners, and missing persons, as well as lists for liquor, wine sellers, tobacco sellers, auctioneers, billiard and poisons licences. Notices from Police Gazettes from other states are also often included.</p> <p> <a href=""> Click here</a> for general description and more information on Police Gazettes. </p> <p>Standing Orders for all New South Wales Police Gazettes published by Archive CD Books Australia, allowing progressive purchase of these important Australian resources at 30% discount, are now available. <a href=""> Click here</a> for further information.</p>
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