France, Corrèze Census, 1911
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Traži u France, Corrèze Census, 1911
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France, Corrèze Census, 1911
242.578 zapisa
The 1911 census was officially conducted on 4 March 1911 (a Saturday). This collection currently includes records only from the department of Corrèze in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France. Some gaps may exist due to the unavailability of the original documents. The indexed census records include given names, surnames, birth years, birth places, and residence information. Additional details found on each record’s associated image include occupation, family relationship, additional members of the household, and nationality.<br><br><p>From 1836 until 1936 a national census was conducted every five years in France except for 1871 (which was delayed one year and conducted in 1872) and 1916 (which was skipped). Census records provide an excellent resource for finding ancestral family members living together and identifying their relationships, birth years, and birth places.</p><br><p>This collection was added following MyHeritage's acquisition of Filae.</p>
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Charles SpinasseBorn: Égletons, Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Charles Spinasse was a French politician. He served as mayor of Égletons from 1929 to 1944 and again from 1965 to 1977.